National Level Socio – Economic Survey on Urban Low-income Settlements
The Urban Settlement Development Authority has decided to obtain up-to-date information on low-income housing scattered in urban low-income settlements, socio-economic information of these settlements and lands can be used for housing projects in accordance with local government areas to further implement these development projects.
දේශගුණික විපර්යාසවල බලපෑම අවම කරමු
This programme is implemented through the Community Development Programme jointly with the climate change secretariat, Sri Lanka and UNICEF. The main objective of the programme is to make aware the community to minimize the effects of climate change in their life style.
නාගරික ජනාවාස සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය මගින් ක්රියාත්මක වන නිවාස සංකීර්ණ වල ප්රතිලාභීන් සදහා වූ පොදු දේපල පරිහරණය කිර්රිමට අදාල මාර්ගෝපදේශන අත්වැල.
The booklet has been distributed among the beneficiary households to make aware them on the common elements of housing complexes and their role in using and protecting those elements for the smooth functioning of facilities.
This booklet contains the health and hygienic factors that should be adopted by young girls in their lifestyle. The programme is implemented with the collaboration of Health Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Health and UNICEF.
සුවෙන් සිටිමු ලස්සන වෙමු
This programme is implemented to aware the community on the importance of cleanliness in daily life. The attention has been mostly paid for the hand washing as a habit. The programme is implemented through the coordination with Health Promotion Bureau of Ministry of Health and UNICE